Retrogrades Coincide with Eclipse Season in 2025
Important Dates:
Venus Retrograde Phase 1: the Letting Go Phase from March 1 to March 21
We are finishing up the Venus cycle that began in August 2023.
Eclipse Season–March 14 to April 2: A time of instability as shadow material is activated.
Lunar Eclipse at 23 Virgo on March 14
This eclipse is a very powerful ending to both the last 6 months (eclipse) ,the last 3 months (Mercury) andthe Venus cycle (since Aug. 2022). Clear out and transform transmute; let go! You can also use this lunar eclipse to clear out any of your Virgo shadows
Mercury Retrograde Phase 1: the Letting Go Phase from March 15 to March 23
We are finishing the cycle that began in December 2024.
Venus Inception: The New Venus Cycle begins! March 22
Sit and commune with Venus – invite in a new cycle of relating, creativity and resources; plant new Venus seeds for the cycle to come.
These are the last times we had a Venus in Aries Cycle. Reflect: what happened?
This is the beginning of the report! The full report and two long audios explaining how to work with the Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde that happen between March 1 - April 14 are available here.