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Human Design Sessions

These sessions help you to embody your natural operating system and shift from looking outside of yourself for guidance to claiming and honoring your own Inner authority.  Whole worlds of possibility open up when you align with your personal operating system.  In the words of Robin Winn, "As people discover their Types, it shifts how they see themselves and how they live.  As people discover their Profile, they stop beating themselves up for how they navigate life.  As people discover their Authority, they shift how they make their decisions, becoming more competent and confident."   These sessions use Plant Prana aromatherapy and/or Breath of Gold to create the space for you to open up to new levels of awareness and acceptance of each part of your natural operating system.  


The problem with Human Design is that, for many people, it is complicated and to understand it requires a lot of mental energy.  Furthermore, just learning about your human design does not mean that transformation will occur.  These sessions include some information, but mostly they help you to enter the territory!  For example, you don't just get information about your Type.  You have an experience that shows you what living your Type in a healthy way actually feels like.   


With each session you receive a personalized audio recording, which allows you to integrate the experience you received in the session at your own pace.   This will help the deconditioning process.  As Robin Winn writes, "The journey of living our Design is one of recognizing ourselves, our entelechy - which is the realization of our potential, who we truly are.  To do that we have to let go of who we are not.  We have to decondition ourselves.  We have to release the accumulated patterns and beliefs that we formed our adaptive behaviors and limited our capacity to thrive in the world.  We have to see the inaccurate conclusions we have drawn that cloud our perception of ourselves and create worlds that are less than satisfactory."  Deconditioning doesn't happen from thinking about it or even understanding it.  It comes from having experiences of the deconditioned self - the natural self.  And that is what these sessions do best.


Introductory Session:  
Required Before Booking Sessions on this Page

Type Session

In this session, you become deeper in alignment with your Type. You easily let go of trying to live in a way against your nature and experience how it feels to effortlessly be who you are and accept yourself completely.


In Human Design, there are five types.  And, in this session, we are giving up thinking of ourselves as a 'Type' at all.  According to Richard Rudd, "These Types do not separate human beings; rather they unite us in a remarkable and holistic way."  Each Type is actually a LIfe Code, and each Life Code represents a different life process.  Each Type has something important to bring to humanity and has certain gifts and challenges. This session gives you an experience of aligning with your Type /  Life Code which enhances your personal power, grace, and creativity, which enables you to more easily overcome any obstacles.   

Strategy Session

In this session, you become deeper in alignment with your Strategy.  You release trying to go about getting what you want in ways that aren't productive.  You come into deeper harmony with your natural way of doing your life.  Space is created within you to engage with others and with life itself joyfully.


In Human Design, each Type has a specific Strategy that, when we use it, makes life easier.  However, when we don't employ this Strategy, a common negative feeling emerges.  For the Generator or Manifesting Generator Type, it is frustration.  For the Projector Type, it is bitterness.  For the Manifestor Type, it is anger.  For the Reflector Type, it is disappointment.  By coming into alignment with and using your Strategy, you create a dynamic flow and a greater harmony in your life in all of your relationships.  However, many times when people know their Strategy, for example,  "I'm a Generator Type and my Strategy is Wait to Respond" they still find it difficult to use their Strategy.  This is because the metal mind cannot "make it happen."  This session got beyond our mental thoughts into the fabric of our being to allow surrender to our Strategy.  In this way, we feel what it is like to use our Strategy without needing to understand it or resist it.  The result is a release of negative feelings, greater ease, deeper harmony and engagement with others.  With practice using the recording you will receive, using your Strategy becomes natural and effortless.

Authority Session

In this session, you become deeper in alignment with your Authority.  You release needing to use your mind to make decisions and come into the part of yourself that naturally makes decisions.  Any fear, guilt, shame, or anxiety about making decisions is released as you claim your own Authority and deepen your trust in yourself. 


Along with Type and Strategy, Authority is foundational.  In Human Design, there is a central tenet that, once realized within the body, relieves all of the angst, pressure, uncertainty and guilt that can accompany making decisions.  It is this: your mind can never make a decision for you. The mind only has the ability to weigh up the pros and cons of decisions and research possibilities.  However, the place where you actually make the decision within you is called your Inner Authority.  In Human Design, there are 11 different modes of Authority - 11 different ways that human beings are designed to make decisions.   Discovering your Authority can be life-changing.  In this session, first, we surrender our conditioning that our minds can make our decisions.  Next, there is an experience of alignment with our real Authority - our Inner Authority.  Finally, there is a deepening of self-trust.  Now that we know and are in touch with the place inside that can make decisions, we can learn to trust ourselves and our innate wisdom. 

Profile Session

In this session, you become deeper in alignment with your Profile.  You release needing to present yourself in a certain way.  You become more comfortable in your own skin, your way of approaching situations, problems, and people. 


The Human Design Profiles show us our learning style and how to be most effective in our lives.  According to Robin Winn, "Often, it's referred to as our role or the costume we wear.  When we are aligned with our Profile, we're comfortable with how we approach situations, problems, and people.  We are comfortable in our clothes.  There is freedom to explore in a way that is unique to us.  The Universe is our playground.  We honor our unique relationship to it. When we're not aligned with our Profile, we move through life awkwardly.  Our clothes don't fit.  Our movement is restricted.  Our growth is stifled. We're under the influence of fear and don't have the freedom to move toward the possibilities that await us.  We hamper our capacity to fully give what we're here to give."  This session gives experiences of acceptance and congruence with our Profile, thereby increasing our flexibility and effectiveness in all areas of our lives.

Center Sessions

In these sessions, you become deeper in alignment with your Centers.  You release comparing yourself to others.  You easily discern what energy to take in from others and your environment.  You provide resources for yourself and others with wisdom. 

Head Center Sessions

The Head Center is a pressure center that fuels the mental conceptualizing process.  


This session is for you if:

-You have experiences of mental pressure and feel that you are driven into deep mental anxiety, self-doubt or depression

-You take action but often make hasty and inappropriate decisions

-Your inability to remain patient results in missed opportunities



-You can easily become lost or overwhelmed by doubt and confusion

-You take on the worries of others and feel the urgent need for resolution ("I want this resolved now")

- You are unable to relax in your own space

Ajna Center Sessions

The Ajna Center is the center of mental awareness.


This session is for you if:

-You have a sense of mental invulnerability and some mental hubris that gets you into trouble 

-You think you can mentally tackle it all and this leads to mental overload and taxation

-Not listening to your intuitive hunches leads to physical distress or illness



-You tend to worry about understanding and remembering things

-You compare yourself to others who seem to think and process things so much faster than you

-You try too hard to be intellectual and have a tendency to hold on to fixed mental processes, concepts, or opinions

-Your need to be certain causes anxiety

Throat Center Sessions

The Throat Center is the center of speech and doing.  


This session is for you if:

-You can speak too readily or inappropriately

-When you talk too much you lose your impact

-You make claims but struggle to follow them with actions



-You speak inappropriately or at the wrong time 

-You are afraid you won't know what to say 

-When you try to initiate something you end up becoming exhausted 

Will/Heart Center Sessions

The Will/Heart Center is the center that drives our willpower.  


This session is for you if:

-When you shy away from striking a bargain or making a promise, you create distrust in others

-You can become ill if you allow your willpower to be controlled or suppressed

-You can lose the trust of others if you overvalue your importance

-When you shy away from having to work you lose your true power and self-esteem



-You compare yourself with others who are achievement-driven and come up short

-When you try to achieve in life by sheer force of will, you get sick 

-You can be driven to achieve through a lack of self-esteem

-You have a fear of losing

-You make promises that you can't keep

Spleen Center Sessions

The Spleen Center is our oldest awareness center and body consciousness.  


This session is for you if:

-You have a reliable immune system and are usually very healthy, but when you get sick it's serious

-You can have a sense of physical invulnerability so you don't pay attention to your body enough

-When you don't listen to your hunches it can lead to illness or physical distress



-You constantly chase after things that make you feel good

-You try to fix your own inconsistency through diet, therapy, relationships, or helping others 

-You can get caught up in how you feel physically and become your own biggest problem

-You try to be spontaneous in order to feel better and make fear go away

-You can become dependent and possessive in relationships

Solar Plexus Center Sessions

The Solar Plexus Center is the center of our feelings, emotions, and sensitivity.  


This session is for you if:

-You are hugely impatient and make spontaneous decisions without waiting for clarity

-You make decisions when you are feeling high or low that don't work out

-You make external reasons for your feelings rather than accepting your inner chemistry

-You try to escape your lows and always seek the highs



-You can feel overwhelmed by your emotional environment 

-You try to avoid confrontation at any cost

-You can lie to yourself and others out of not wanting to rock the boat

-You try too hard to resolve or process emotional problems

-You allow yourself to be driven by emotions of others

-You can become so afraid of emotions that you run away from people and relationships altogether

Sacral Center Sessions

The Sacral Center is the center of our sexuality, vitality, movement, and persistence.  


This session is for you if:

-You can get so stuck and frustrated waiting that you force an issue prematurely and lose your power

-You can exhaust yourself through trying to initiate your own direction in life

-You have the tendency to quit things because you realize you entered them incorrectly

-You make compromises and end up doing things you hate because you entered into them just to be doing something



-You try to take on too much and overcommit 

-You are unable to say No because the other seems to overpower you

-You put yourself under great pressure to work when rest would serve you better

-You become frequently overwhelmed and exhausted by other people's energy

-When around others you can work a lot, but when you are away from others your energy crashes

Root Center Sessions

The Root Center provides the pressure to be, to evolve, and adapt to the world.  


This session is for you if:

-You have the ability release and process stress and expect others to be capable of doing the same 

-You can totally overpower and overload people 

-You have difficulty using stress ponstruively as fuel for creativity and endeavors in the world

-You recognize that you can stress others out and you're not sure what to do about this



-You try to get things done as quick as possible in order to relieve the pressure you feel to just get it done 

-You make hasty decisions under pressure from others

-You run off of the stress of other people and then your energy crashes when you're alone

-You are unable to take time to discharge and unwind

-You judge yourself for being lazy

Introductory Sessions

"Something within me is stuck - I don't know what it is and I can't really access it.  I just know it's in the way of any progress I try to make."

Inside all of us are stuck places.  This session releases any deep stuckness you are experiencing in your physical, emotional, or mental bodies.  This session is optimal anytime you are ready for some relief.   It is recommended that you have time off the evening after your session to integrate your experience.     

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