Breath of Gold Sessions
For most of us, somewhere in our early lives, our body stopped feeling safe. The Breath of Gold sessions, which are made up of gentle somatic exercises, remind the body that it is supported by all of life. For deep change to occur, the body must feel safe, not the mind. These sessions are full of delight as the body returns to its natural state of safety, easiness, and freedom. These sessions create space to experience acceptance, comfortability and happiness deep within the body just as it is.
These sessions easily springboard any change you want to make in your life. When the body is at peace, the mind is more peaceful and has more clarity. Energy trapped in resistance, anxiety and worry is gently released and changes that you want to make that once seemed very difficult become simple and effortless.
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15 min
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50 min
$1221 hr 30 min
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50 min
Prepaid1 hr 30 min