Gene Keys Sessions
The Gene Keys is a living transmission of wisdom that helps you unlock embody your unique genius, purpose, and prosperity. The Gene Keys profile is also a personal map of how to heal your heart. These sessions focus on your personal gift frequencies which activate your ability to live and move in your purpose and share your unique genius with the world. When you recognize your own genius and feel your purpose within and when you have opened your heart to all of life, you lay the foundation for the deepest fulfillment and prosperity.
Click here if you are new to the Gene Keys and want to learn more. This short, free course is not necessary to book a session - it's simply a great introduction if you want one. No courses, books, or resources from the Gene Keys are necessary to book a session at The Patrick Pearl.
Click here for a short video about the Gene Keys sessions.
Gene Keys Consultation
During this session, you decide your focus and sphere that you would like to activate
30 min
Gene Keys Sessions
In these sessions, we focus on a sphere of experience, either related to unlocking your genius, healing your heart, or opening the way for genuine prosperity.
Based on your personal profile, we make room for the illumination of how the shadow (specific to you) is operating in your life. By making room for the shadow and all of its manifestations, we cultivate deep self-love to open into the Gift. These sessions are gentle and profound.
1 hr