Support for Students of Chinese Medicine
Thank you for choosing Chinese Medicine! The world needs your healing talents and abilities.
I am here to offer support to you as you go through your Chinese Medicine coursework.
If I can offer you personal support, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Digital Resources for your Chinese Medicine Journey
Offering from February 18 to March 18:
Using Essential Oils with the Breath to Protect Your Energy, Raise Your Frequency, and Dispel Fear & Anxiety
In the past two years, I have been a student of essential oils and would love to share what I've learned with you.
In this offering, I will explain the techniques that involve breathing in specific essential oils in distinct patterns. I have been working with Sam and Greg at Plant Prana for awhile now and they have given me permission to share these tools. I will be purchasing a 2 mL rollerball of each oil that you need and get them to you before February 18.
The oils used in this offering are made by Plant Prana: Mugwort Supreme, Palo Santo, Camphor, Hyssop, Spikenard, Eucalyptus Globulus, and Sitka.
(1) How to Protect Your Energy and Remain Open-Hearted
(2) Strengthening Your Aura
(3) Simple Protocols for Fear and Anxiety
(4) Increasing Energy Body Frequency while Diminishing Reactivity
Registration for this offering is now closed.
You never know what has happened to someone you're working with before they arrive. This technique helps you to be open to providing a space for it all while maintaining a high frequency. These protocols also increase your detachment in difficult situations because they calm down the immune system. They are great stress relievers because, by doing them, you become less impacted by whatever is happening in your environment.
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Place: Zoom with cameras off for privacy - breathing in the oils in these sequences is a personal experience
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm (hard stop at 6:45 pm)
Right now, it's an interesting time to be a human being on the planet earth! These are simple protocols that diminish anxiety and fear to a large extent. When done along with the other techniques we've learned so far in this offering, you can cultivate a centered presence filled with your own higher frequency energy. I'll also teach a protocol with the Hyssop oil that deepens your connection with the Divine.
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Place: Zoom with cameras off for privacy - breathing in the oils in these sequences is a personal experience
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm (hard stop at 6:45 pm)
This four-part practice keeps anything of a low frequency from your environment outside of your aura and only lets in high frequency energy. It enables you to transmit your own high frequency healing energy more easily to someone you're working with while not being impacted by any low frequency energy that they may be releasing. This is also great for traveling!
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Place: Zoom with cameras off for privacy - breathing in the oils in these sequences is a personal experience
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm (hard stop at 6:45 pm)
This technique is foundational. It makes all of the other techniques work better and strengthens intuition. In this part of the offering, I will also teach two sequences for dispelling strongly negative energy.
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Place: Zoom with cameras off for privacy - breathing in the oils in these sequences is a personal experience
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm (hard stop at 6:45 pm)
This offering is for CM students AND is open to everyone!
High Frequency and Low Frequency Defined
Throughout this offering, I use the words "high frequency" and "low frequency."
The best definition of these words that I have found come from the work of David R. Hawkins. This chart is from his book Power vs. Force. Anything with an up arrow is higher vibrational energy and anything with a down arrow is lower vibrational energy.

Hawkins writes:
The critical response point in the scale of consciousness calibrates at level 200, which is the level associated with Courage. All attitudes, thoughts, feelings, associations, entities, or historical figures below that level of calibration make a person go weak. Attitudes, thoughts, feelings, associations, entities, or historical figures that calibrate higher make subjects go strong. This is the balance point between weak and strong attractors, between negative and positive influence, and between truth and falsehood.
At the levels below 200, the primary impetus is survival, although at the very bottom of the scale—the zone of hopelessness and depression—even that motive is lacking. The levels of Fear and Anger are characterized by egocentric impulses, which arise from this drive for personal survival. At the level of Pride, the survival motive may expand to include the survival of others as well. As one crosses the demarcation between negative and positive influence and goes on into Courage, the well-being of others becomes increasingly important. By the 500 level, the happiness of others emerges as the essential motivating force. The high 500s are characterized by interest in spiritual awareness for both oneself and others, and by the 600s, the good of mankind and the search for enlightenment are the primary goals. From 700 to 1,000, life is dedicated to the salvation of all of humanity.
Hawkins, David R.. Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (pp. 74-75). Hay House. Kindle Edition.